Monday, December 31, 2012

This is going to be a long one...

I've had a very eventful weekend. It's going to be hard for me to squish it all into one post. So in an attempt to make what would be a very long post a little more bearable, I'm going to summarize, and break it up into sections.

So here we go.

                                        21st Birthday!
The 29th was my birthday. So I guess I'm officially legal now.
*Note: The bottle in my hand is strictly for photo purposes. I personally don't like this alcohol, but it's my 21st, so the photo had to be done. 

Saying Goodbye :(
On Saturday, I gave away the first of my little buddies. I wasn't sure I would be able to do it, but I know that he went to a very good home, so that makes me feel a little better. Now I only have to do it 3 more times..
Doesn't he look like a little lion?

                                              Moving Home with Momma
This is the first step to changing my life. It feels a little bit like a step backwards, but it's absolutely vital for achieving my goal. Here's the plan. I'm going to stay with my mom for a couple of months in order to save money (no rent) and catch up on my bills. Eventually I'm hoping to move into my house (the one where we found Panther) and get a job closer to my college. (Who knows, maybe I can go back to school!)

Not to mention I really hate living an apartment. Verrrrry noisy upstairs neighbors, a land lord who still has not finished putting in our kitchen floor (after our upstairs neighbors let their sink overflow, flooding our apt...6 months ago) and parking next to this.
I definitely prefer the seclusion and laid back atmosphere of living in the country. 
It's soooo much cleaner too.

                           And Last, but Definitely not Least
I need to make special mention of a really nice surprise that I received in the mail from one of my dear friends. A beautiful calender, filled with photos that he had taken throughout the year. We share a love of photography, so it makes me really happy to see all of his beautiful work. 

So that is a summary of my weekend. Now it's back to work, Monday and Tuesday, and then officially moving out and turning in my keys on Wednesday. First step to my new happy life. Now here's something to think about in the New Year.
I'm hoping to become something beautiful this year.

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