Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My New Years Non-Resolution

A lot of people make resolutions for New Years, and let's be real, how many people actually keep them? So that is why this is not a resolution. It's just a statement. I fully expect myself to have forgotten all about it within a week or two.

I've decided that I'm going to take better care of myself. Simply because it makes me feel better.
About once a year (not always after New Years) I go through a couple of months where I will eat healthier, and work out, and generally take better care of myself, and it always makes me feel better, and happier. Unfortunately it never lasts. (and it probably won't last this time either)

But that's okay.

There's a really great website that I love using. It's called Live Strong It provides you with health tips, exercises, and a tool to count your calories, and track your food. Very helpful.

In an attempt to keep myself on track, I'm going to try to post about my progress. Don't hold your breath though. I'm really not good at keeping up with these sort of things.


  1. What a wonderful reaolution/statement. Beautiful blog you have my friend.


  2. I wish you the best of luck on your non-resolution. I know how hard it can be to stay on track. What has worked for me so far is always thinking about what motivates me. I look forward to hearing about your progress.
